Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Vasily Jurevich! To the Son 8 mesjatsevbv 2 mesju have diagnosed:...

03.06.2004, 04:30
Hello, Vasily Jurevich! To the Son 8 mesjatsevbv 2 mesju have diagnosed: spastika 2 items, suspicion on DTSP. He sits, but itself has not a seat. Costs or stands in krovatke. But does not creep, psiho-emotsionalnoe development sootvetsvenno to age, in my opinion. Tell or say. Than. Except for gymnastics. He can be helped or assisted and diagnosis DTSP, whether he is exaggerated? The Diagnosis is based or founded;established on data computer and magnitno-resonant tomografii-a birth trauma. Thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
03.06.2004, 17:44
All of you have mixed in a heap and have not resulted or brought any exact result of inspection. Therefore in detail it is impossible to respond here. I can tell or say only, that diagnosis DTSP is put usually after 1 year.

The anonym
04.06.2004, 07:40
On the basis of pictures zakljuchenie-the Face-to-face atrophy of a brain, expansion of a subarachnoidal field, I can not tell or say more precisely, it is translation or transfer on Russian. How much or As far as can be seryoznymi consequences?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
04.06.2004, 15:09
A little given. In any case the estimation of impellent functions is in absentia impossible, I here a little than can help or assist. It is necessary to communicate with the attending physician activly.