Просмотр полной версии : Hello! synule 1, 5 years and the problem is already enough mine for a long time at us...

30.05.2004, 21:17
Hello! synule 1, 5 years and the problem with a dream is already enough mine for a long time at us. He creeps, cries, can sit down, again lay down - and all this not waking up. Besides he drinks at night much, and one month ago we even had to enter night feeding - he without a porridge refuses to sleep. To tell the truth, whether I am assured to you it is a question, but something can you will advise. It is a pity its or his nervous system - I think such restless dream gift or for nothing does not pass or take place. In advance I thank.

31.05.2004, 06:01
To us 1 and 1.5 months. Absolutely same picture! But thus he at us very active and easily erethitic, therefore I think, that its or his dream speaks features of its or his nervous system. Simply there are quieter nights (when he "wakes up" time 3 4 for a night) and not so quiet (when anything it is impossible to appease it or him hnykanie though thus he finally does not wake up, the only thing, that more or less helps or assists, is a carriage. We put it or him and we rock to sleep, as small).

Nogovitsyn V.J.
03.06.2004, 17:49
It is less, than it is necessary to an organism to sleep the children will not be. If he has got used, that at night it or him telodvizhenija parents react to all (take on arms or hand, sing songs, feed and t. Item) it becomes a habit, to disaccustom from which painlessly will not turn out. In due course, certainly, it all the same will pass or take place, but it is better to generate a correct regimen already now. Night thirst demands attention from the endocrinologist.