Просмотр полной версии : Please, help or assist! Whether a perleche? At the boy (2, 5 years) with offensive or approach of autumn...

02.06.2004, 10:06
Please, help or assist! Whether a perleche? At the boy (2, 5 years) with offensive or approach dawn again upon something in corners of labiums. The last winter sometimes arose treshchinki in corners of labiums. Now cracks are not present, but looks or appears even more extensively: (in the Summer anything similar was not. One month ago the child hurted or was ill;was sick and already almost month drinks vitamins for children - polivit-bebi. Really and on a background of reception of vitamins again shortage of vitamins?

03.06.2004, 13:40
Perleches in angles of a mouth it not always an attribute of a hypovitaminosis, sometimes it projalvenie a functional hepatic unsufficiency. Check up the biochemical analysis of a blood on hepatic assays.
Other reason can be an allergy.