Просмотр полной версии : Whether if in milk stafilokok will help or assist if it or him to decant and boil?...

The anonym
31.05.2004, 07:42
Whether if in milk stafilokok will help or assist if it or him to decant and boil?

Mum of the kid
31.05.2004, 19:56
And in milk the staphilococcus is does not mean yet, that it is not necessary to feed. Take an interest in this subject, I precisely heard, that thus always it is necessary to something to do or make.. Come, for example, here www. yandex. ru and type or collect in search " in milk a staphilococcus " and esteem everything, that will find. I recommend.

The anonym
01.06.2004, 21:18
In, descend or go here! http: // pregnancy. h1. ru/health/baby/ps/staf. htm

03.06.2004, 06:47
Feed the child.
At kipjachenii useful properties of your milk are killed almost all.