Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Thankful in advance for consultation. At mine 13 years or summer sons...

01.06.2004, 02:29
Hello! Thankful in advance for consultation.
At mine 13 years or summer sons anomaly Kimmerle. How much or as far as it is dangerous? And whether it is possible to be engaged at this anomaly LFK?

Porohnja V.S.
02.06.2004, 02:44
It is anomaly of development of the copular apparatus in the field of 1 2 cervical vertebra or vertebrae, in some cases breaking blood supply of a brain on intervertebral arteries. It can cause time or temporary disturbance of blood supply with a corresponding or meeting symptomatology. Not all movements at LFK are safe. For treatment address in Children's orthopedic hospital it or him. Zatsepin.