Просмотр полной версии : Kind time of day! We with the wife are excited with a following problem: at a daughter 2...

31.05.2004, 06:23
Kind time of day!
We with the wife are excited with a following problem: at a daughter 2, 5 months on the left leg or pinch on one skladochku are less, than on right. On right she is located on a femur in the middle from the inside. In a district clinic the orthopedist has examined and has told or said, that anything bad has not seen. But doubts have remained. It would be desirable to receive qualified konslultatsiju and the conclusion.


Muraveva E.M.
01.06.2004, 20:08
The child it is necessary to look, virtual consultation here has not enough: most likely it is a question of a muscular hypertonus of legs or foots and connected with it or him a shorting.