Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Whether the day time dream for the child 2.10 is obligatory? At us polucha...

30.05.2004, 09:31
The dear doctor! Whether the day time dream for the child 2.10 is obligatory? At us the strange thing turns out. If will have a sleep in the afternoon falls asleep at the best in 11 evenings in the evening, and even in 12. If will not have a sleep - then in 9. Still the bad moment - I work in a regimen week in a week. Week when I the at home - he does not sleep in the afternoon. I spent sometimes for 1, 5 2 hours of time that it or him to rock to sleep, itself does not fall asleep or fall asleep in the afternoon, sometimes all the same he did not fall asleep or fall asleep... And if fell asleep - then you will not lay in the evening. But week, when I at job, with the child the nurse and the mother-in-law. At them the child in the afternoon usually falls asleep quickly, and they constantly to me utter, that I kak-that not so stack it or him (though as - not so, I do not know). But in the evening all the same the child lays down late. And so a question: what vse-taki it is better? Let does not sleep at all in the afternoon and keeps within always in 9? Or vse-taki it is necessary to stack in its or his afternoon by all means? And whether it is harmful to the child if he that sleeps in the afternoon does not sleep?
I wish to notice, that when he at me does not sleep in the afternoon, it absolutely does not affect in any way in bad sense its or his mood. He quiet, cheerful and happy or enough with a life.

01.06.2004, 09:45
At us the same nonsense: in a garden sleeps, and the house at me not in what to not lay.