Просмотр полной версии : My daughter 1.5 years. For last 3 months has appeared appreciable H-figuratively...

29.05.2004, 09:28
My daughter 1.5 years. For last 3 months has appeared appreciable H-a figurative curvature of legs or pinches. Prompt, pozhajlusta, what procedures it is possible to correct curvature.

Porohnja V.S.
29.05.2004, 17:36
Treatment of a rachitis, massage only internal group of muscles of legs or foots, LFK, whether supervise your child on the priest with the bent legs or pinches in kolenkah and different aside stops - many girls sits so like to sit. Buy or purchase to her the horsy, and in the further 3 h a wheel bicycle with a frame on which awake to adhere a small small pillow that she prevented kolenkam to be series.

01.06.2004, 08:39
The dear doctor, thanks for the answer. Tell or say, from the point of view of efficiency, on for correcting X of figurativeness of legs or pinches the paraffinic wrapping and an electrophoresis on knees, and that in our settlement a problem with a physiotherapy how much is shown.