Просмотр полной версии : Vasily Jurevich, good afternoon. Several days ago I asked a question about mal...

Mum Matveja
29.05.2004, 01:44
Vasily Jurevich, good afternoon. Several days ago I asked a question on the boy 10 months with pressed fracture of an occipital bone and about possible or probable complications in the form of an epilepsy. A case rare or infrequent, I hope, you remember. To us have made the computer tomogram, were convinced, that the brain in general is not touched in any way, and the bone is simply pressed, without cracks. Operation have found or considered inexpedient. As a result of us have released or have let off home. Treatment: 3 months finlespin (once a day on 1/4), Cavintonum (2 times on 1/4). Entsefologramma in a month.
Question: read many mucks about Finlepsinum. Its or his application in our case is how much justified, considering full absence kako--or clinics. Whether it is proved it or him effetivnost concerning similar cases, whether there are more safe analogues? The given course of treatment is accepted 2 weeks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
01.06.2004, 01:37
I, apparently, already wrote in this occasion, that antiepileptic treatment is not appointed or nominated for prophylaxis. Especially in such scanty doses. It is better to address to other doctor. Usually there is no necessity for any treatment at absence of problems from the neurologist.