Просмотр полной версии : At us the boy, 3. 2 months full family, the child the first and unique. Give birth...

21.05.2004, 18:32
At us the boy, 3. 2 months full family, the child the first and unique. Was born hardly, for the third day have translated or transferred in it is put. A pathology, there treated a pneumonia, surveyed a brain, have revealed " insignificant deviations or rejections " according to doctors, then in a month to us put gidrotsefalnyj a syndrome, appointed or nominated Fenobarbitalum, Cavintonum, it. p, we stood on the account at the neurologist, and time in pol-year passed or took place treatment: uspok. travki, Cavintonum, massage, elektofarez, Pantogamum... In 2, have made the last EEG where according to the neuropathologist, it is not revealed any deviations or rejections. Since then any more did not do or make. As the local doctor has struck us off the register the neurologist. But to us three years 2 mes, and we are silent. In three years has told or said the first words: mum, the daddy, the woman. And all. In the age of 6 7 mes, the child babbled and said consensually all these sounds, we did not suspect, that problems with speech, till one and a half years can, said still sounds, and then became on the sly less and less.. . And by two years began to low only and signs to show, that it is necessary to him. Now knows all letters, knows well colors and shades of colors or flowers, knows figures and even all traffic signs, knows flags of many countries (150) remembers complex or difficult formulations if at it or him to ask, he silently shows all, even if between concepts a small difference, he never is mistaken. How to learn it or him to speak? The logopedist, speaks, he goes contact so, with it or him is now useless to be engaged, job of the psychologist is necessary. But at us this problem is not solved iz-that he aggressively perceives doctors, we cannot go in clinic, it at us by a level of a neurosis, he shouts up to a vomiting, having seen the doctor, or the hospital, no arrangements and promises help or assist, he does not hear itself(himself). We invited home the psychiatrist, she having communicated to us of 30 minutes, has diagnosed us: a syndrome of an early autism. I have much read through about this disease, much converges (behavioural reactions, isolation) but on appearance - he the usual child, yes, certainly, we are parents, that the child is sick would not be desirable to believe us, but I am afraid, suddenly vse-taki she is mistaken, many, even our local doctor, consider or count, that problems with speech and in its or his character can be corrected complexities job with the psychologist, not hanging a shortcut of underdevelopment, and we use any psychotropic agents which were appointed or nominated by the psychiatrist... My question to you: how to me to be convinced, specify, check up, our diagnosis is a truth? How to be surveyed, where to consult?
In advance thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
25.05.2004, 16:17
http: // www. ne-bolit. narod. ru/hosp. htm

29.05.2004, 14:14
The doctor, you have given me the link to a site, where all in English.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
31.05.2004, 03:39
Anything similar. You have forgotten to erase blanks in the address.