Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My daughter 1.5 years. In 11 months were unitary febrile...

ZHiznevsky Valera
30.05.2004, 02:38
Hello! My daughter 1.5 years. In 11 months there were unitary febrile cramps nearby 2 minutes on a background of an adenoviral infection. In hospital Gluferalum has been appointed or nominated, and then for 3 months the divisional nevropotolog without EEG has appointed or nominated Fenobarbitalum 0.01 to night and Pantogamum on 0.5 tab. 2/day 200. At survey nevrogicheskoj pathologies it is not revealed. Then 3 months were having rummaged in reception of Fenobarbitalum and have made EEG. In an extract it is told or said: the moderate changes of bioelectric activity in the form of irrigativnyh changes in a cortex, interest of a trunk at a diencephalic level. After that on 0.01 Fenobarbitalum is again appointed or nominated to 3 months Risk factors of development of an epilepsy at us are absent (except for age of the child). It would be desirable to learn or find out, how it is possible to treat data of ours EEG, whether purpose or appointment of Fenobarbitalum and what forecast is proved. Thanks.

The children's neurologist
31.05.2004, 02:31
Purpose or Appointment of antiepileptic preparations at unitary febrile cramps is not shown. Results EEG can be regarded as a variant of norm or rate. The risk of development of an epilepsy at unitary febrile cramps makes no more than 5 %.