Просмотр полной версии : At the daughter (10) ossicles or bonelets from the external party or side stops. Have addressed to the orthopedist, p...

29.05.2004, 15:32
At the daughter (10) ossicles or bonelets from the external party or side stops. Have addressed to the orthopedist, has diagnosed - a platypodia. The girl is engaged in a choreography, every day 2 hours, whether it is possible to continue employment or occupations? The orthopedist has told or said it is possible, but whether such greater or big load will be harmful? And more - whether it is necessary to wear arch supports? Whether they can help or assist?

Porohnja V.S.
29.05.2004, 19:32
You speak about what ossicles or bonelets? What platypodia and what degree?

30.05.2004, 13:46
Most likely at the girl back bugor stops. Back bugor stops - deformation of a medial part of a sphenoidal or clinoid bone. Stop develops simultaneously on back both, is usual during rapid growth of children in pubertatnom the period. Essence of disease zaklju-chaetsja in education of a cartilaginous or chondral prominence or mamelon of a sphenoidal or clinoid bone.
Clinical picture. Pains are caused by pressure of footwear which during the accelerated body height often happens close. Pressure footwear not only causes a pain, but also stimulates body height bugra, injures soft tissues above it or him. Long influence causes education of a mucous bag and its or her inflammation.
The X-ray inspection of pathological changes from bones does not reveal or tap, as bugor has a cartilaginous or chondral consistence.
Treatment. To the termination or ending of body height and formation stops bugor becomes less expressed and painless. Therefore treatment consists in selection of the footwear excluding pressure upon area bugra, protection by its or his felt ring which can be attached to a skin a stria of an adhesive plaster. Daily warm baths for legs or foots, UHF, elektrofo-rez from a potassium by Iodidum, ultrasound are shown.
Operative treatment is shown at children in unusual cases; the question on operation is solved individually. (cyte. On A.I.Lyonjushkinu)