Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, prompt at what age kiddies cease to be written at night. De...

28.05.2004, 07:58
The doctor, prompt at what age kiddies cease to be written at night. To the girl 3 4 months. If it or her to not wake at night that she popisala she will not rise, will necessarily inflate in trousers. I now it or her at all do not sing hour for 2 up to a dream. I do not know, she can sleeps strong and consequently so it turns out. It would not be desirable, that the uracrasia or was found out if it will be found out in time
To treat to begin. Thanks.

The anonym
29.05.2004, 01:51
And it or she does not have uracrasia? If is, it will not cease to be written even to 20 years.. At absence spets. Treatments

Chernorutskaja E.I.
30.05.2004, 12:40
Natasha if you deeply sleep the output or exit is: a day time dream, reception of tincture ehinatsei 1 months, quiet games, not the TV before a dream. Till 5 years a night incontience wet it is considered admissible, but can while to make US of kidneys and a bladder and to hand over the analysis wet.
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