Просмотр полной версии : To the child 3 months the boy is on thoracal feeding 4 j day is not present with...

28.05.2004, 16:09
To the child 3 months the boy is on thoracal feeding 4 j day there is no chair. Whether it is normal 7 thanks.

28.05.2004, 23:55
Absolutely abnormally. Basically the chair in day is supposed, but is usual those who only on thoracal, go and on some times to day. You any prikorma did not give him? Still the possible or probable reasons - shortage of milk, an overheat, the raised or increased temperature. If at it or him a stomach or belly soft, not morbid, pisjaet he often and he not restless, while ogranichtes that eat prunes, a beet and sour-milk products. Though if the chair at it or him will not be, it is necessary to make a clyster. But all the same you need to find the reason because even if you will make a clyster, but the reason do not eliminate or erase;remove, the constipation will not pass or not take place. If you already give him juices it is possible to try to give any aperient juice - plam, for example. Still it is possible beet, but only to dilute and give absolutely a little bit for first time. Still absolutely wonderful agent which us kogda-that has simply rescueed or saved - a baked apple. Even if you yet did not give, can already try or taste (certainly, all over again absolutely a little bit). It is usually transferred or carried fine. Begin with a teaspoon and gradually increase or enlarge a portion. Also submit weeks two are as course of treatment. Pectins will fine clear an intestine from within and will adjust a chair. Success!

Chernorutskaja E.I.
30.05.2004, 09:34
Madina, it agree with Inna, but I wish to add: if the chair till now is not present - seem just in case to the surgeon that he has excluded torsions of an intestine.