Просмотр полной версии : To the child (10 years) have diagnosed gipertenzionnyj a syndrome. The doctor has appointed or nominated d...

29.05.2004, 14:47
To the child (10 years) have diagnosed gipertenzionnyj a syndrome. The doctor has appointed or nominated Dibazolum and ATF nyxes and Cinnarizinum of a tablet. What will you advise in this case - whether treatment is correctly appointed or nominated? Thankful in advance, Galina

Reshchikov D.A.
30.05.2004, 07:15
Hello. The reason of occurrence gipertenzionnogo a syndrome at the child at this age demands specification (Computer or magnitno-a resonant tomography, omotr the oculist) and tollko after that therapy is appointed or nominated. Usually it is Diacarbum, and sosudisto-nootropnye preparations.