Просмотр полной версии : The dear Doctor! The Letter from Switzerland... The girl of incomplete 11 months, 76 with...

22.05.2004, 22:13
The dear Doctor! The Letter from Switzerland... The girl of incomplete 11 months, 76 sm, 10.5 kg, any deviations or rejections in development in the first months are not revealed, to this day has not a seat itself, cannot creep, does not try to rise on legs or pinches, at "enormous" support "costs or stands" 1 sec. Strongly caving in forward and leaning or basing on the left leg or pinch, the right foot turns out outside.
Our Swiss pediatrist has spent "manualnoe" research and has assured, that any pathology does not see - " give the child time! ". I have insisted on a physiotherapy - all 5 sessions the child cries, and the physiatrist consoles: " She simply lazy ". And suddenly to her it is sick? At it or her any weak legs or pinches...
Here other system of observation over children, I can not tell or say - "pofigisty", but unless our case "OKej"? I am afraid to miss time! How to help or assist the child which head "wants" already much more, than the body can? I understand complexity of correspondence consultation, and still, how long still it is possible to wait, what "extreme" terms of purchase of all these skills and when and to itself to run behind the help, to the neurologist, to the orthopedist? Here there are no children's experts, all veduet the pediatrist... Many thanks for the answer.

The anonym
24.05.2004, 03:17
Necessarily run to experts!!!
In norm or rate children by 6 7 months firmly sit, by 7 8 months independently creep (on a stomach or belly or on chetverenkah), by 9 10 months rise, keeping for a leg (accordingly already are able to have a seat independently), to 11 12 firmly start to go (if not independently for handles it is exact)......... DEMAND EXPERTS!!!! The CHILDREN'S NEUROPATHOLOGIST, ORTOPEDA-the SURGEON!

24.05.2004, 19:50
margarita, I read your letter - and this all about us, on August, 6th to us there will be a year, and malyshka only began to turn nabochek, for this time have passed or have taken place 6 courses of massage, nyxes, a physiotherapy, etc. Vobshchem there is nobody I do not wish to talk from friends, have got everyone call and ask - go?.... Would like to correspond with you, rosti together, can, that advise., support or maintain.

25.05.2004, 07:25
Margarita, I read your letter - and this all about us, on August, 6th to us there will be a year, and malyshka only began to turn nabochek, for this time have passed or have taken place 6 courses of massage, nyxes, a physiotherapy, etc. Vobshchem there is nobody I do not wish to talk from friends, have got everyone call and ask - go?.... Would like to correspond with you, rosti together, can, that advise., support or maintain.

26.05.2004, 17:27
Margarita, hello!
At us very similar histories. We malyshka down to 6 monthly age did not wish to overturn. To all my doubts the pediatrist responded: " Simply child large enough. Wait still. Happens so, that to months to 9 they start to do or make all at once - to overturn, sit, stand, etc. " Thanks my mum - she has sounded the alarm and as a result we have gone on consultation to the children's neurologist to republican hospital. There to us at once have diagnosed PEP (perinatalnaja an encephalopathy), have appointed or nominated US of a brain, treatment. As a result in 2 weeks after the beginning of medical gymnastics she has started to overturn. Now to us of 10 months. We creep, we do or make attempts to rise on legs or pinches, keeping for a leg, we squat and with a leg on arms or hand - but is not confident yet. Both pregnancy, and labors proceeded normally - but right at the beginning of pregnancy I have caught a cold. The doctor has told or said, what is it quite could cause PEP.
You SHOULD see a doctor to the neuropathologist, the ophthalmologist (he looks an eyeground and defines or determines, whether intracranial pressure is raised or increased). Medical gymnastics at the expert, massage and, probably, any preparations too are necessary. The earlier you will sound the alarm, the it will be better result.
Sincerely I wish your of good luck. I shall be glad to an opportunity to correspond. My mail: victoria_cvetkova@hotmail. com.

27.05.2004, 15:13
Descend or Go to the doctor privately (to experts) I live in Spain and system same as well as at you if you go under the insurance, but for money you signs any doctor.

29.05.2004, 06:26
Nu Sbecariya eto xorosho. No radi rebenka ya bi priexala v Rossii na paru nedel i obsledivalas u xoroshix russkix vrachei. Tem bolee chto vi zhe ne v Avstralii. V Rossii xot pravdy skazhut.