Просмотр полной версии : To my son of 5 years. We stammer three years. For this time were in Semashko at ner...

26.05.2004, 18:56
To my son of 5 years. We stammer three years. For this time were in Semashko at nervopatologa (have written out Finibut), at the psychoneurologist in Semashko (uspakaivajushchie teas), caused manager. The neurologist. otd. Morozovskoj hospitals (again Finibut), individual employment or occupations with the logopedist longly enough, nonconventional medicine (have simply thrown out a heap of money), have spent on drink or saw through a course mumie with honey. Result - minor improvements, and then homing to the previous status. Friends have advised to spend on drink a course Pantogamum and Persen. Would like to specify your attitude or relation to such combination and if it is possible, prompt, in what doses it is necessary to give these preparations. (medicines did not give the child of more year). And something can in general another will advise? In advance thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
28.05.2004, 22:14
I do not appoint or nominate preparations in absentia. Pantogamum and persen - easy or light;mild preparations "just in case", t. e. To try or taste it is possible, to predict or forecast effect - hardly.