Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! We descended or went in LORu. The diagnosis - adenoides of 1 2 degrees. On...

Tatyana With.
27.05.2004, 00:37
Hello the doctor! We descended or went in LORu. The diagnosis - adenoides of 1 2 degrees. Have appointed or nominated - Diazolinum (not clearly how much days) and protorgol 2 %. Since September, 17th we treat. To sense is not present, in addition were ill with an angina. Now also antibiotics. A throat terribly red and otchekshee. The nose is incorporated. Voobshchem what to do or make not clearly. My words about depression of hearing have not caused or called any emotions and any explanations in the doctor. Prompt what to do or make?

Balashova T.L.
28.05.2004, 15:32
Tatyana if you live in Moscow, come with the child on reception, only so I can answer all your questions. Ph. for record 504 21 44.