Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Help or assist advice or council! To us of 4 weeks. Pupochek has begun to live for 3 weeks. 1...

26.05.2004, 21:49
Good afternoon! Help or assist advice or council! To us of 4 weeks. Pupochek has begun to live for 3 weeks. 1, 5 weeks ago at us has festered palchik on an arm or a hand. Carried in hospital - have told or said that very well, simply process zelenkoj. In 3 days polchik has not passed or has not taken place, but has reddened same on other handle (there obviously it was visible, that zausenchik has come off). Through the familiar doctor have put in hospital. Have appointed or nominated ointment Vishnevskogo and nyxes ampitsilina. Palchiki have passed or have taken place for 2 day. All was good. Today should be poslednyj ukolchik and wished to write out. Yesterday the wife on popke about a proctal or an anal aperture has found out inspissation. The surgeon has told or said, what is it gnojnichek and can it is necessary will cut. Have appointed or nominated nyxes gentromitsina (if was not mistaken). How to us to operate or work? What is it can be? Stafilikok? How with such gnojnochkami to struggle?

The anonym
27.05.2004, 05:32
Hand over necessarily a blood on crop to find out a contagium. It is very serious, nearby up to a sepsis or an osteomyelitis. Obey in all of doctors, do not neglect antibiotics, be not engaged in a selftreatment. At kids the infection extends with instant speed, and piknut will not be in time, as the status can worsen. It turns out, that I have borrowed or occupied in intimidation, but it not so, my child through all this has passed or has taken place, in hospital then were iz-for complications of more year.

Muraveva E.M.
28.05.2004, 14:03
With a high probability I can assume, what is it the staphylococcal infection is the most frequent bacteriemic or bacterial originator at kids. In any case, at occurrence of the several centers of an infection to you necessarily should take a blood on crop correctly to pick up an antibiotic. It is desirable, that you were still looked or seen by the surgeon.