Просмотр полной версии : To my son Illarionu of 12 years. At it or him complication after epidemic parotitis. An inflammation about...

26.05.2004, 00:46
To my son Illarionu of 12 years. At it or him complication after epidemic parotitis. The inflammation of an environment of a brain, a deviation or rejection in behaviour, TTG is constant on a background of treatment 5 6, 3 4 in norm or rate. The endocrinologist has arranged a swing: in the winter up to 100 L-teroksina, and in the summer a full cancelling. As a result after a cancelling in three weeks TTG has risen up to 10. When prnimaem L-teroksin even 25 summer, and winter 100, plus jod-assets 150 and in behaviour there are no deviations or rejections, and memory is better, almost is not ill or sick, is sharp sokroshchaetsja quantity or amount of attacks of an epilepsy (at it or him the first and at once begins the fourth stage, but grows ugly also). Managing endocrine unit has forbidden to hand over analyses on TTG. Speaks, that 2 times a year are enough. Though dose L-teraksina it is necessary to supervise even once a month. I live in Tolyatti, I Wish to address to Samara, but neznaju where. Yours faithfully.

Krivskaja L.K.
27.05.2004, 03:39
Hello, Tatyana! To me it is not absolutely clear, in this connection urebenka there were problems with a thyroid gland (if it is possible, write from what all has begun). But irrespective of the nature of a hypothyrosis the dose of a thyroxine should (is simply obliged!) to be practically identical within a year. Well reduce by the summer up to 75 mkg, but what for completely to cancel! And more, at a primary hypothyrosis (which for you is available as I understand) to supervise it is meaningful FIRST OF ALL TTG!. Level 4 is poorly informative. But finally I shall subscribe on the words after additional data in occasion of a thyroid gland.

27.05.2004, 06:25
Lydia Konstantinovna! I supplement on bill Illariona. Illarion 3 j the child from 3 h sorts or labors. At me a urolithiasis (stones in kidneys). Pregnancy has passed or has taken place safely, without complications. The child was born in time. But labors have passed or have taken place not absolutely usually. 2 h to girls has given birth very quickly. But Illariona almost instantly. He was born in antepartum under supervision of a minor nurse. Though I also have warned doctors, that 1, 5 fingers it means an erypsipelas of minutes through 10. They only posmejalis. As a result the child has taken off and utsdarilsja a neck about rods of a backrest. From a maternity home us have more quickly written out. And as manager. It is put. Psychiatry to me has told or said proizoshol an anguish or damage spinogo a brain in a cervical department and this all would pass or take place to 8 mi to years, but in 4 e year Larik has had been ill kokljushem. After that gradually at it or him the skin has become gray, the face has as though inflated, all became any quaggy. From time to time there were attacks agresivnosti and unwillingness to live, tried to commit suicide some times. During attacks there was a force such, that could shift a case 2 h svorchetyj zapolnenyj books from an angle of group on the middle. To 7 mi years managed to all this to result or bring more or less in norm or rate. But in school I have decided to send it or him in 8 years. In March 1998. (in May to him 8 years were executed) he has had been ill with epidemic parotitis. In April at it or him attacks of an epilepsy without sudorok, with display of aggression and huge force have begun. Externally he has strongly changed became as though all life is drunk with beer daily. Sine-green, grey, very much nerjashlev to sleep became in a pose " legavoj dogs ", with sharp rises t, agresivnyj tried to kill itself some times. Have put in Samara in psihushku. After treatment to him it became better. But to school has not gone, have given training domiciliary, and in October physical inability. Have casually glanced to the endocrinologist, have handed over the analysis on TTG, it is more 5. Appointed or nominated L. Further have arranged a swing for the winter 100 (under the scheme or plan from 25, and then depression up to 25) and for the summer a cancelling. As a result while give a medicine to him better as will cancel, jumps t, attacks of an epilepsy (depakin-interik receives on 1 h 3 times a day) become frequent, there is a desire to not live, full loss of memory. In it or this to year again in May have cancelled. In June has handed over the analysis on TTG, and he more than 10. Itself has appointed or nominated L-teraksin 50 + 100 jod-assets. The child simply neuznat. The status has sharply improved. Our doctor was on the sick-list, and then in holiday. Two times has gone to the manager. She has declared, that it is impossible to give a hormone in the summer, and that a year the analysis is enough to hand over 2 times. In September Larik has damaged or injured;hurt a leg or foot (an avulsive wound of an anticnemion, have imposed seams). On 5 j day its or his status has worsened. Before a trauma at it or him TTG was 1, 7. And when deterioration TTG - 3, 5 has begun. He accepted L-teraksin 50 and 100 jod-assets. Now I give L-teraksin 75 and 150 jod-assets. The status was stabilized. It will be fast bad weather, he strongly reacts, but a check analysis I can not hand over, t. To. The manager has forbidden. Therefore I wish to go to Samara, but the manager has given up in a direction. I think, that at it or him was, can be and eat an inflammation of a pituitary body. In May laid in a neurology komptornaja a tomography has shown. That at it or him and the inflammation of an environment of a brain proceeds. And if in February Larik read with rate of 60 words in a minute, in June three words in a minute. He has forgotten letters. Now he reads with rate of 30 words in a minute and has independently learnt or taught "Ulukomorja". In 2 m class Larik already learned or taught this poem, but in some days has forgotten. The multiplication table and nevyuchil, but knows, that with her to do or make and applies correctly. Now he to study in 5 m a class under the program of correction. 445030 Tolyattis, Color parkway d. 5 kv. 7, d. t. 21 26 56. I while can work, t. To. He with all is helped or assisted by Hope, washing the senior daughter, she in decretal.

Krivskaja L.K.
27.05.2004, 16:38
Zdravtsvujte, Tatyana! A case very uneasy and most likely changes in hormones have occured or happened owing to vospolenija environments head mozka, and time so to supervise it is necessary In COMPLEX TTG and 4. Just in case, look or see antibodies to MF and TG to exclude changes in the gland. Despite of complexity of a situation, clearly, that: 1) the dose of a thyroxine should be rather stable within a year 2) the control of hormones should be spent not less often than 1 time in 1 mes until receive good result, and then the control is admissible 1 time in 3 6 months Understand, how much he demands a thyroxine. And, jod-the assets influences the hormonal status a little. I shall repeat, that such complex or difficult case demands internal consultation (unfortunately I can not give it or her to you, t. To. I live in London). If will be going to to Moscow on konsultatsiju-I shall advise where to address.