Просмотр полной версии : Dear d-r Kushel, to the child now 9 months, weight 7300, OG-40, cramps...

25.05.2004, 20:01
Dear d-r Kushel, to the child now 9 months, the weight 7300, OG-40, cramps, a disproportion of a head and a trunk is not observed, the skull in the form of "klubnichki" but due to shchechek looks or appears normal under the form, except for a nape (it is a little oblique on the one hand as to us the pediatrist has told or said because laid on right to a side constantly) rodnichek on napes zaros in time, on temeni within the limits of norm or rate, the US of a brain not vyjavlenno anything is not present attributes of intracranial pressure, changes and pathologies, the tonus of muscles is lowered, the child does not sit, it is not necessary independently (overturns and to rest on legs or foots became in seven), is moderately mobile, emotionally sympathetic, whether a view with ideas that, a kind: mongolovidnyj a cut or section of eyes, long dense risnitsy, the palate is displaced not narrowed, a teeth of the normal sizes without intervals, the genetic analysis neobnaruzhil hereditary diseases, about research krovi-long time could not take a blood from a vein now it has turned out, result we wait, and here that such KT and kraniogrammy I neznaju, to me nikogoda did not speak that they should be made and did not hear about such, Basic disease VPS, NK 2, a pulmonary hypertensia, operation have postponed before stabilization of a neurologic symptomatology but if the diagnosis is correct that operation to do or make to us will refuse (will not sustain narcosis) do not know that is possible still or even to write that you could present a picture, arrive to you on reception we nemozhem to sozheleniju (Amur area) and photo it is impossible to attach. All extracts from a map. Yes to us the diagnosis was put by such one neurologist, all the others spoke about a rachitis, tetrapareze from for hypoxias, in slezhstvii circulatory unefficiencies. Your opinion and your help to us it is very important. Yours faithfully Ekaterina

Dr. Kushel
27.05.2004, 01:04
I very much apologize, but have forgotten about what there was your previous report, and in archive something has not found out.
With uv. D-r Kushel

The anonym
27.05.2004, 16:37
The dear Doctor, to the child now 9 months, weight 7300, OG-40, cramps, a disproportion of a head and a trunk is not observed, the skull in the form of "klubnichki" but due to shchechek looks or appears normal under the form, except for a nape (it is a little oblique on the one hand as to us the pediatrist has told or said because laid on right to a side constantly) rodnichek on napes zaros in time, on temeni within the limits of norm or rate, the US of a brain not vyjavlenno anything is not present attributes of intracranial pressure, changes and pathologies, the tonus of muscles is lowered, the child does not sit, it is not necessary independently (overturns and to rest on legs or foots became in seven), is moderately mobile, emotionally sympathetic, whether a view with ideas that, a kind: mongolovidnyj a cut or section of eyes, long dense risnitsy, the palate is displaced not narrowed, a teeth of the normal sizes without intervals, the genetic analysis neobnaruzhil hereditary diseases, about research krovi-long time could not take a blood from a vein now it has turned out, result we wait, and here that such KT and kraniogrammy I neznaju, to me nikogoda did not speak that they should be made and did not hear about such, Basic disease VPS, NK 2, a pulmonary hypertensia, operation have postponed before stabilization of a neurologic symptomatology but if the diagnosis is correct that operation to do or make to us will refuse (will not sustain narcosis) do not know that is possible still or even to write that you could present a picture, arrive to you on reception we nemozhem to sozheleniju (Amur area) and photo it is impossible to attach. All extracts from a map. Yes to us the diagnosis was put by such one neurologist, all the others spoke about a rachitis, tetrapareze from for hypoxias, in slezhstvii circulatory unefficiencies. Your opinion and your help to us it is very important. Yours faithfully Ekaterina