Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At us at the daughter on an electrocardiogram it is revealed a rhythm sinusovyj 86 rannja...

25.05.2004, 03:49
Hello the doctor! Whether at us at the daughter on an electrocardiogram it is revealed a rhythm sinusovyj 86 early repoljarizatsija ventricles attributes of an overload of a left ventricle and also VSD intimate or cardiac pulse happens over 100 impacts in a minute but the daughter speaks that she does not feel any deviations or rejections from heart earlier seriously went in for sports (volleyball) now doctors have forbidden me interests she can go on physical culture at school and what forecast on our disease

Tutelman K.M.
25.05.2004, 08:18
On an electrocardiogram it is necessary to confirm attributes of an overload of a left ventricle EHoKG with research, t. To. It can be and item changes. As if to pulse for each age the norms or rates of frequency of intimate or cardiac reductions, it is necessary to consider also, that pulse in norm or rate becomes frequent at fiz to a load, on a background of inflammatory diseases, whether, etc. Therefore it was necessary for endocrine pathology to know under what conditions pulse 100 ud/minutes to solve it is possible for your child to go in for sports or not it is necessary for you to address to the cardiologist. See http: // pedcardio. narod. ru

27.05.2004, 04:41
Hello the doctor! I asked about the forecast a daughter zabolevanie-ekstrasistolija, I Specify: ekstrasistolija supraventricular rare or infrequent single on EKG-1 on Kig-2 in a minute