Просмотр полной версии : To my daughter 3.5 years, we are observed at kadiologa (features of a structure serd...

23.05.2004, 16:57
To my daughter 3.5 years, we are observed at kadiologa (features of a structure of heart, without potologii), after last electrocardiogram the doctor has registered to us Kudesan on 5 kap. 2 times in current of month.
On an electrocardiogram to the doctor have not liked any "bugorki", has told or said that at the child perenaprezhenie muscles of a myocardium (svjazanoe with frequent catarrhal diseases) and has registered Kudesan.
Tell please that means this diagnosis and whether it is necessary to accept this preporat t. To he for children is more senior than 12 years. But on a footnote it is written: it is widely used in pediatrics.
In advance many thanks!

Tutelman K.M.
27.05.2004, 03:26
Unfortunately, from your words I and have not understood what final diagnosis. And as to Kudesana it is our Russian preparation - coenzyme Q10-
It is applied in a cardiology with kardiotroficheskoj the purpose (improvement of a delivery of a cardiac musle).
Preparation in itself quite good, practically without by-effects, but
As for any other preparation for its or his application precise indications are necessary.