Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor! To the child 1.5 years, teeth 2 above and 3 below. 1 centuries and 1 vn. Here...

Elena Zn.23
25.05.2004, 12:14
Uv. The doctor! To the child 1.5 years, teeth 2 above and 3 below. 1 centuries and 1 vn. Here 1, 5 months as were cut, but any more rostut. Prompt, that it is necessary to do or make (we drink almost month Polyvitaminums and 2 ned. vit. D12 + gl. A calcium, in body height it is added well). IN ADVANCE MANY THANKS!

Muraveva E.M.
26.05.2004, 23:43
Specially to do or make it is necessary nothing, and Polyvitaminums do not accelerate process of body height of a teeth. They will necessarily be cut, can be with delay, but will necessarily. By the way now stomatologists have already proved, that a late teeth at children stronger and are less subject to caries.