Просмотр полной версии : Hello, to my son of 5 years, adenoides of 2 degrees since three years, in 3 years about...

26.05.2004, 09:01
Hello, to my son of 5 years, adenoides of 2 degrees since three years, in 3 years caught a cold often, in 4 did not hurt or be ill;be sick absolutely, now all over again began to notice that he kak-to hear all those began is worse asks again, the rhinitis has then begun has ENT written out a drop and has sent to surdologu, surdolog has told or said that a problem purely or cleanly on the pro lora, the rhinitis in the meantime has amplified, have made a picture, has appeared a genyantritis and a bilateral otitis, now lay in hospital, to us have suggested to perform operation on excision of adenoides, I while has refused, have now appointed or nominated a puncture through ears for excision of a liquid (I in it or this a little that I understand). It would be desirable to know your opinion and if it is possible for the reference.
Yours faithfully, Oksana.

Balashova T.L.
26.05.2004, 19:26
Oksana, apparently, at your child was a chronic adenoiditis, the genyantritis has joined, and all this has become complicated an exudative otitis. Without any doubts, to you uzhno to sanify a nasopharynx, t. e., to remove adenoides, further to wait there is nothing, only will be worse.