Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Synulke 2, 5 months, within a month we observe a constipation...

24.05.2004, 20:11
Hello, the doctor! Synulke 2, 5 months, within a month we observe a constipation - there is no chair for 1 2 days. Thoracal feeding. The increase in weight good, is enough milk. The pediatrist observing us considers or counts, that the reason in weak muscles of an abdominal cavity, advises to put clysters. What will you advise? Whether it is possible to give Djufalak?

25.05.2004, 08:32
Clysters - last business. They do not solve a problem, but only aggravate. The child will get used to clysters and in general will cease kakat without them. The clyster can be put razovo in emergency if the child not kakal some days and at it or him hurt from it or this a stomach or belly. By the way, you do not write, what consistence a chair. He kashitseobraznyj or dense, approached to the adult? If kashitseobraznyj I on your place in general nothing would do or make because the chair once in two days is considered a variant of norm or rate. If a chair dense, business not in muscles of an abdominal cavity, and in a delivery. Eat something poslabljajushchee (porridge, prunes, sour-milk, a beet). And to the child give in the morning on a hungry stomach a little - some spoons - water (boiled). Here is how has woken up - distances vodichki, and to feed it is desirable not earlier, than in half an hour. This simple way very not bad helps or assists. If you already give him juices it is possible to give plam. To more senior children (which already allow fruit mashed potatoes) to give a baked apple very well. Course of treatment by an apple - 2 weeks - once a day, 50 100 g depending on age. Has checked up on the child - helps or assists phenomenally. We did or made it, when to the child was about 4 months, that is it already soon will approach or suit you.

26.05.2004, 13:58
And at us from clysters in 7 mes the invagination in general has turned out. Washed out three days on end from a contamination zheludka-and have finished badly. Certainly, it is one case on one thousand, both the invagination happens also in itself, but at us it was so. In three months it does not threaten, but is simple that knew.