Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Respond please! At mine malyshki it is observed speeded up...

22.05.2004, 17:58
The dear doctor! Respond please! At mine malyshki the speeded up chair is observed. To her 8 months Earlier never anything similar were, the summer has passed or has taken place normally. Anything new in a delivery for last month did not enter. The analysis of a feces has shown presence of a plenty of funguses. Why it can be? The doctor has registered the Ultrabiohabit spasm, but a chair still speeded up. Also began to wake up at night to eat. Earlier such was very much and very seldom. Small has grown thin and little bit flaccid, that me also disturbs. Whether there can be it from zubok? At it or her were cut 2 zubika, on turn top. What your assumptions and references will be? Thanks.

Bolshakova M.A.
26.05.2004, 13:09
You the answer waits more than day. You have not looked at all...