Просмотр полной версии : My son was born with a tooth, for the fifth day after sorts or labors to him it or him have removed. Now...

24.05.2004, 23:03
My son was born with a tooth, for the fifth day after sorts or labors to him it or him have removed. Now to him 9 mesjav at it or him one tooth with a bottom and 4 from above. My husband speaks that probably he at us will be till 6 7 years without a tooth yet will grow radical. I worry that at the son will be then problems with a pronunciation of letters. If you met such problem respond please. In advance thanks

Agashkina O.M.
26.05.2004, 11:20
Svetlana, do not worry, all will be by way of. Without a milk or dairy teeth radical will not be. "Your" tooth will grow. A pronunciation of sounds vostanavlivaetsja after body height of a teeth.