Просмотр полной версии : To the girl of 9 years. Complains of an onychalgia. Revmaproba rez-in has not given...

22.05.2004, 06:29
To the girl of 9 years. Complains of an onychalgia. Revmaproba rez-in has not given

Tutelman K.M.
26.05.2004, 02:11
"Onychalgia" concept "extensible". Joints can hurt or be ill;be sick (knee, talocrural, coxofemoral), can hurt or be ill;be sick bones, the pain can be localized immediately in muscles. Pains can be constant or periodic (in rest, at movement, during day time, evening or night time), etc. and. t. The item And with all it or this should understand first of all the pediatrist who if necessary should provide consultation of experts: the rheumatologist, the orthopedist, the neuropathologist, and those already in turn should appoint or nominate additional inspection (a roentgen, revmaproby, EhoKG, etc.) and to put the final diagnosis.