Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Many thanks for the help! I am am excruciated with one more problem - ve...

23.05.2004, 16:24
Hello! Many thanks for the help! Me one more problem - excruciates weight of the child (3, 5 mes). At a birth - 4, 000 kg, 53 see 1 months - 5, 100, 56, 2 months - 6, 600, 59, 3 months - 7, 500, 62 see I Nurse, on demand. And she demands in the afternoon in 1, 5 2 hours, at night 3 4 times, exhausts ok. 150 gr. For feeding. A chair in norm or rate, the truth in tongue yellow scurf, a cat. Has appeared in the age of ok. 1 weeks. At me usual weight of 76 kg at body height 173 see, the father too not small, but such weight vse-taki guards me. Thanks.

25.05.2004, 04:23
Madam Alexander, you very much often put the daughter to a breast, try to give at night instead of even one feeding to her to drink, increase or enlarge intervals between feedings, give a pacifier, walk more that the child slept. About updating weight consult on your pediatrist.