Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my son of 6 years, he very well and fluently reads, is correct p...

24.05.2004, 06:00
Hello! To my son of 6 years, he very well and fluently reads, correctly says sounds, knows the alphabet. Last time even more often confuses didymous consonants: it is written: P, Would say and on the contrary.
I do not think, what is it iz-for a carelessness. Some times specially asked to name letters, in tekste-confuses. Prompt with what it it is connected and what to do or make? In advance thanks.

24.05.2004, 14:30
Julia, you are right, not in a carelessness business. More precisely, not in her one. At your son disturbance readings (dyslexia). Independently you hardly will cope with this problem. Address to the school logopedist. If such opportunity is not present, try to find the expert on http: // logoped. org