Просмотр полной версии : Dear the doctor! Very much I look forward to hearing - about ketoatsetoz. In difficulty, that affairs...

20.05.2004, 23:41
Dear the doctor! Very much I look forward to hearing - about ketoatsetoz. In difficulty what to do or make further how to feed and than it threatens. Thanks.

Bolshakova M.A.
21.05.2004, 15:42
To you have already responded - a reasonable diet and for exception of any doubts the repeated analysis of a blood to Saccharum. Most likely at you was t. n atsetonemicheskaja a vomiting

24.05.2004, 07:56
The analysis on Saccharum is necessary repeated, and also will be indicative to spend assay with a load a glucose.
If here there will be no deviations or rejections the status of your child can be regarded as the form nervno-arthritic diateza-atsetonemicheskuju a vomiting.
The given frustration is connected with natural feature rebyonka-the raised or increased disintegration purinov, the raised or increased education ketonovyh bodies (which give clinic) at low ability of a liver to their recycling. It is considered, that by 11 years atsetonemicheskie vomitings pass or take place, however, in the future such child can be threatened by way of education of stones and at it or him the risk of development of a gout (but, do not worry, otjagoshchennaja the heredity not always to be realized) is raised or increased.
Yours dejstvija-a regimen pitanija-more alkalizing products, should not be greater or big intervals between meal, rekomendovaniy and gepatoprotekrory-courses Essentiale, LIV-52 and. t. d.
If corresponding or meeting analyses (daily quantity or amount of salts in urine, a level of corresponding or meeting ions in a blood), will show ugrozhaemost the child by way of a lithogenesis purpose or appointment of preparations is expedient, prepjadstvujushchih etomu-from submission of the doctor.
Yours faithfully Kashaeva Tatyana.