Просмотр полной версии : Hello!!! Our daughter 3 months. Sometimes (1 2 times a day) shiver p...

20.05.2004, 15:48
Our daughter 3 months. Sometimes (1 2 times a day) the chin when she is undressed shivers. Smiles, a head holds.
The neuropathologist has directed on US of a brain.
Result following: mezhpolusharnaja a cleft or rima of 5 mm., lateral ventricles: at the left 6 mm., on the right 6 mm., vascular plexuses usual, III ventricle of 5 mm, IV ventricle norm or rate, the basal tank norm or rate. What does it mean? Yours faithfully!!!

Nogovitsyn V.J.
23.05.2004, 23:23
It's OK.