Просмотр полной версии : That can mean such sign at the boy of 12 years: at bathing in the river (kon...

22.05.2004, 12:10
That can mean such sign at the boy of 12 years: at bathing in the river (certainly in the summer in hot weather) in the bottom third of breast bone, but hardly more to the right of the middle, arises as though spazmirovannyj a site of the wrong form. It looks or appears as white maculae on a skin in the form of a blot in size with a palm, always the same outlines, on a background of more pink skin. Earlier did or made the scheduled cardiogram, special changes have not revealed: the expressed sinus arrhythmia, transient blockade of the right leg or pinch of a ventriculonector. At auscultation nedolshoj systolic hum on an apex (doctors hear not always and not all).

Tutelman K.M.
23.05.2004, 17:26
Occurrence of white maculae on a skin at bathing should be regarded as vegetative reaction - a local vasospasm that speaks about prevalence of influences of sympathetic nervous system in reguljatsiisosudistogo a tonus. It at all does not threaten health, and it is necessary to consider or examine;survey as a specific feature of your child. As to systolic hum for specification of its or his reasons I recommend to make EhoKG.
Consultation of the cardiologist and cardiologic inspection (an electrocardiogram, EhoKG, etc.) you can pass or take place in unit of a cardiology of the Moscow scientific research institute of pediatrics and DH. Ph. 483 70 92 Tutelman Konstantin Moiseevich. Also you can communicate with me, having sent the contact information (for example, Moscow phone) on e-mail tutelman@mail. ru.