Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or assist, please to understand a situation. Daughters 2. 4....

21.05.2004, 15:12
Hello! Help or assist, please to understand a situation. Daughters 2. 4. Practically does not speak. The neuropathologist diagnoses - hyperactivity, a syndrome of deficiency of attention, ZPRR. We accept the medicines which have been written out by the neuropathologist. Addressed to logopedists, from them we heard, that a fine motility at the child - super!, and - so many after three years start to speak that she does not speak, especially hyperactive children. Really really it is necessary to leave it or her alone and simply to wait, when she razgovoritsja? I Thank.

Agashkina O.M.
22.05.2004, 00:07
Dear Lyudmila, employment or occupations with the expert are necessarily necessary to your kid, to wait it is not necessary! On a background of acceptance of medicines of employment or occupation can bring good result. The fine motility plays a greater or big role in development of speech, t. To. Motor and speech zones of a brain are located by series, developing a motility (being engaged in finger-type gymnastics) - we develop speech, we prepare for an arm or a hand for the letter. Lyudmila if you more detailed consultation interests, can call to me on ph. 507 81 18. Successes!

23.05.2004, 02:47
Absolutely, it agree with Olga Mihajlovnoj, but I can not tell or say about the same when logopedists at the diagnosis put by the neuropathologist to the Delay psiho-motor development, suggest something to wait. Kiddies with such problem CONSTANTLY it is necessary to develop (their speech, elementary mental functions, on the basis of which the Maximum or Supreme Nervous Activity is formed, physically) and already now as can not have time to catch up with normally developing contempoparies. The external impression about a fine motility of the hyperactive child practically always positive and can mislead it. For example, it can be compared to such case, when the kid cannot in any way start to speak in Russian (in ruskogovorjashchej to family), to him offer the sample of English, and he masters it or him better, than native.
Probably, super development of a fine motility compensates a speech underdevelopment. However it at all does not speak, that it is not necessary to work above development of speech, especially on a background prinjati medicines.
Address to experts who will undertake to work with your girl (and it is lawful). Success!