Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, prompt, please, what restful nastoi (grasses...

Irina (50164)
21.05.2004, 11:54
The dear doctor, prompt, please, what restful nastoi (travki) it is possible to give the child (1 year 10 mes). The girl after homing from holiday became very whimsical, often there are awful hysterics, during poluchasa can cry, fight about a floor, all does not arrange and t. Item

Nogovitsyn V.J.
23.05.2004, 00:27
It is a question not to the psychiatrist, and to the psychologist. Restful in your case to give it is not enough sense, a maximum possible or probable - Valeriana, Leonurus, and the core - to visit or attend the children's psychologist and to understand with a domestic surroundings.