Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my son of 13 years, there was retsedivirujushchaja a urticaria (pre...

20.05.2004, 19:14
Hello! To my son of 13 years, there was retsedivirujushchaja a urticaria (presumably, after reception of vitamins). We drink "erius" already 3 j time for a month because there are all new elements of a urticaria. The allergist has directed on US shchitovidki and to the endocrinologist. I wished to ask: what attitude or relation the endocrinologist to a urticaria has? In general, for last year has strongly grown. Now to him 13 and a half of years, body height 180, weight 64. This any value or meaning;importance has? Thanks in advance!

The doctor
22.05.2004, 13:26
Dear Olga! The urticaria to a thyroid gland has no attitude or relation. Strong skachek in body height it is connected with the period of sexual development in the boy and action of sexual hormones on zones of body height in bones. That body height of your boy dejtvitelno above, than should be in 13 years, most likely constitutional feature.