Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Me interests as correctly to begin zakalivat the child. It is alive...

21.05.2004, 05:41
Me interests as correctly to begin zakalivat the child. We live in Armenia, heating is not present, which as is tried to warm an apartment, on the child it is necessary to dress mass of clothes. To a daughter 4.3, basically the child healthy, but often catches a cold or chills, especially with offensive or approach of colds. Constantly chronic renit, coughs. Iz-for it or this constantly passes or misses in children's to a garden (there too very coldly), ruins morning performances. As soon as it became better, has deduced or removed on fresh zimy air, has very warmly dressed, even rotik has closed, so she began to cough again at the same night. Whether harmfully to give all time Doctor Mom? How to get rid a rhinitis, of chronically chilled status and tussis, and the main thing with what to begin zakalivanie an organism.
The mood at the child good, excessively mobile, on appetite too is not present special complaints, the temperature does not happen. I can for her is wrong looked after, too warmly dressed?
And more, what it is necessary to undertake, that she was not harmed on walks with cold air, I heard that before an output or exit it is necessary to drop vegetable oil in a nose, whether so it?
Excuse for so long message, but very much I hope for your help.

Bagautdinova I.V.
22.05.2004, 03:04
Main principles zakalivanija is a gradualness, nepreryvost, use of natural natural factors in a complex, the account of specific features physical and nervno-a mental status of the child. To begin zakalivanie it is possible at any time year, but it is better in the summer. Hydrotherapeutic procedures (since wiping a thorax, up to a sponging down of a sponging down of legs or foots and vvego bodies pohladnoj water) start to spend in the mornings right after rise, temperature of water 35 36., reducing up to 18 hailstones no more than 1 hailstones in 2 3 days. First wipings, then spongings down - too from more heat with with