
Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear Doctor! To my son 2 years and 1 month, with most rozhde...

20.05.2004, 16:21
Hello, the dear Doctor! To my son 2 years and 1 month, since the birth have been diagnosed him: lesion TSNS, gidrotsefalnyj a syndrome. We rinimali all purposes or appointments of our neuropathologist. The kid developed normally. In 1 month has started to hold a head, in 6 - villages, in 9 - samomtojatelno has gone. We as parents were disturbed only with 2 moments: the diagnosis of the neuropathologist and the size of a head (a little bit greater, than at its or his contempoparies), in the rest all was in norm or rate. He quiet and for its or his all infancy we did not have any sleepless night. In 1 year we have passed or have taken place EHO-EG and by results of the diagnosis from us have removed or have taken off. The doctor has told or said, that the sizes of a head will gradually be made even to its or his contempoparies, but to him 2 years and at body height of 88 sm the circle of a head makes 1 month 51 see And it very much disturbs us. Can we have not finished the cure of it or him, in ostplnom it's OK. He speaks already offers and it is much better than many contempoparies. What you to us can tell or say in this occasion? Very much we ask you to respond.

22.05.2004, 01:50
Hello. A circle of a head of your child within the limits of age norm or rate. If it or he does not have signs raised or increased intracranial davleni - a headache, vomitings, trouble, disturbance of vision - that leave it or him alone. Dynamic observation Is required. It is quite good to make a computer tomography of a brain.