Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, I already asked you a question about the raised or increased enzymes in a liver at rebenk...

20.05.2004, 03:29
The doctor, I already asked you a question about the raised or increased enzymes in a liver at the child
Today I was at the doctor and to us have appointed or nominated for tomorrow an inoculation akds (so on mine is called at us in Russia) only here in this inoculation and from gipatita too together put
Unless it not too a greater or big load on an organism with such analyses? (sgot 91
sgpt 102)

And more please!!! Explain to me how it is treated? What is it, it can after epidural anastezii and antibiotics after cesarean? Or it is necessary for me, to change my diet?
My doctor to me has explained, what is it as though the child has transferred or carried easy or light;mild gippatit, whence he?!
Whether can at the child ostatsja consequences on health and razvitee?

The doctor
21.05.2004, 17:55
It not contraindications for an inoculation. If your child is imparted or vaccinated from hepatitises In and And most likely it is reaction to other virus disease. Through nekotore time you can repeat simply the analysis, and this hour to do or make follows nothing. In any case it is better to you to address to the treating children's doctor.