Просмотр полной версии : My son 3 years hurted or was ill;was sick 2 weeks ORZ. There were in a garden and in the first days off povys...

20.05.2004, 18:00
My son 3 years hurted or was ill;was sick 2 weeks ORZ. Has left in a garden and in the first days off the temperature up to 39.3 without visible signs of cold for 2 days has raised or increased. Has gone to a garden and on Friday the temperature, but already 37.5 with a nausea and the subsequent vomiting (1 time) has again risen. tazhe the temperature till now keeps. Prompt what is it could be. Thanks.

Bolshakova M.A.
21.05.2004, 14:24
How it was possible 39 to send after temperature the child in a garden?? It is necessary was on the ball temperatures to hand over the analysis wet also bloods... Last episode can demand the analysis of a blood on the AlAT. In a word, seem to the pediatrist