Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. To the son almost 9 months Since a birth it is observable in clinic by it or him...

20.05.2004, 19:40
Hello, the doctor. To the son almost 9 months Since a birth it is observable in clinic by it or him. Meshalkina with diagnosis DMZHP. While they about one year have released or have let off us, have appointed or nominated nothing. Also did not appoint or nominate since a birth. And the cardiologist on a residence has appointed or nominated Riboxinum, asparkam and Kudesan. For what purpose these medicines are appointed or nominated? The matter is that I protivnitsa all medicines if it is not caused or called by acute necessity

Tutelman K.M.
21.05.2004, 12:28
Riboxinum and Kudesan concern to kardiotrofikam - to the preparations improving a delivery of a cardiac musle, Asparkam - a preparation containing a potassium, also necessary for a cardiac musle. How much "acute" at you neobhdimost in kardiotroficheskoj the cardiologist observing you should solve therapies. Nevertheless, if there are attributes of dump of a blood through DMZHP, attributes of an overload of the right departments, up to opreatsii it is meaningful to spend the given therapy to protect a cardiac musle from damaging or injuring factors, svjazannnyh with a functioning heart disease.