Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor, At a daughter to her 4. There was a tracheitis, treated syrup Erespala and...

19.05.2004, 21:16
Hello the doctor, At a daughter to her 4. There was a tracheitis, treated syrup Erespala and antibiotic Klabaks (klabaks drank or saw 7 days), through 4 all has lowered or omitted downwards. The diagnosis - an obstructive bronchitis and pravostoron. A pneumonia. Now we drink syrup Zinnata (it is an antibiotic) and. t. d. Whether It is possible to cure a pneumonia a syrup? I simply am afraid that an infection up to the extremity or end not ub etsja and to us pridetsja to prick nyxes. I asked that to us have appointed or nominated nyxes, but the doctor have told or said, that is not necessary. Tell or say the opinion, thanks

20.05.2004, 04:11
Modern a/at intake also are effective as well as nyxes. Your view otnostisja by 70 80 years when in Russia would not be a/except for Penicillinum. It would be desirable to emphasize, that almost all modern a/would make only for intravenous vverdenija and in a mouth. From v/the m of forms (priest) all over the world have practically refused

Krivskaja L.K.
21.05.2004, 09:51
The only thing, would be desirable to add, that time process fixing or lingering, with the tendency to diffusion and plohoim the answer to peroral antibiotics, will be rather reasonable to appoint or nominate to the child 3 5 dnevnyj a course intravenous antibiotiokov, and already then to translate or transfer on peroral.