Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Tell or say what role directed by the diagnosis a rachitis plays...

17.05.2004, 11:53
Hello, the doctor! Tell or say what role directed by the diagnosis a rachitis plays the analysis wet on Sulkovichu. To us put and diagnosed a rachitis II, and the analysis wet reaction Sulkovicha (+ +), Sa in a blood 7 9. But the truth at us was a bald nape. Now to the child of 7 months, a nape not bald, but the analysis same. So there is at us a rachitis or not? On what else displays it is possible to diagnose precisely a rachitis at our results of the analysis. THANKS

Bolshakova M.A.
20.05.2004, 15:58
Assay Sulkovicha ANY attitude or relation to statement of the diagnosis "rachitis". She testifies only to an overdosage of vitamin D by which he is treated.