Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor! To the child - time to do or make 3 months AKDS, the endocrinologist in...

19.05.2004, 19:26
Hello, the Doctor! To the child 3 months - time to do or make AKDS, the endocrinologist in a nursery poliklinnike has advised to do or make inoculations separately (at dedeshki the diabetes mellitis from 20 years now to him 55 does or makes inektsii an insulin 2 times a day and the child large in 3 months 7 300, 64 at the child Saccharum 3, 9), behind explanations has sent us to the pediatrist. The pediatrist to explain became has told or said nothing only, that harm will not be. Very much you I ask, tell please about these inoculations. In books of the necessary information has not found, and to rely on opinions in forums terribly. Yours faithfully, Dasha.

Krivskaja L.K.
20.05.2004, 07:51
Dear Dasha! To tell about itself priviku not budu-the general or common information it is possible to find in the Internet easily. I shall tell or say only, that your child differs nothing from the others detok concerning klendarja inoculations. Illness or disease of the grandfather, ostensibly the big weight are not contraindication, absolutely!