Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To our son 1, 5 months. Approximately since 2 weeks around of labiums and...

18.05.2004, 19:46
The dear doctor! To our son 1, 5 months. Approximately from 2 weeks around of labiums sometimes (time, two in day) appears blue. The child was born and develops normally, shouts sometimes, but to sleep gives... Have directed to nevrapatologu, she has registered mixture - Bromum, valerjanka, still something. Whether Vopros-it is possible to apply instead of it or this napr. Baths with valerjankoj, massage?

Reshchikov D.A.
20.05.2004, 07:35
Hello. Most likely the neuropathologist at the child has suspected a syndrome of hyperexcitability and has appointed or nominated restful mixture. Than you do not like mixture? Massage can render opposite effect if it will be done or made not by the professional. BATHS with valerianokj can have the necessary an effect. But it is better to spend on drink a course of mixture.