Просмотр полной версии : At the child of 8 years snachalo were a rash on a stomach or belly. Fine pryshchiki. And on a cheek...

20.05.2004, 00:45
At the child of 8 years snachalo were a rash on a stomach or belly. Fine pryshchiki. And on cheeks some round pinkish small specks. Specks have passed or have taken place and there were white maculae on the sunburnt face. And these maculae do not sunbathe. In the anamnesis there were allergies, but posledgie 2 years did not appear. Obratitsjach to the doctor very much it is not easy or light, we live abroad. Thanks

Albanova V.I.
20.05.2004, 04:05
I think, that to you early to carry an allergy in the anamnesis. Displays of illness or disease at your child are quite typical. So follows is long to keep to a diet and spend treatment. It is necessary to put or render softening creams on cheeks, it is not necessary to sunbathe, at stay on the sun it is better to use sun-protection agents.