Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, at my son fingernails or nails on arms or hand practically do not grow. To him 7...

17.05.2004, 09:45
The dear doctor, at my son fingernails or nails on arms or hand practically do not grow. To him 7 and a half to gnaw them he has begun in 2 and a half of a year, I have attributed it to stress from separation from the sister. When has gone to a kindergarten, continued to gnaw fingernails or nails secretly, even unconsciously. Now he does not gnaw, at least so approves or confirms, and I believe him. But fingernails or nails do not grow. On legs or foots I shear on a regular basis, hair grow quickly, we are sheared each two months.
I shall be very grateful for advice or council.

Albanova V.I.
19.05.2004, 15:23
I think, that to words of the child in this case to trust does not follow. Such habit - a subject of treatment at the neuropathologist. Growing fingernails or nails at once cut with scissors shortly.