Просмотр полной версии : To my daughter 5, there were pustules on a body, the face, the doctor's assistant in medpun in the summer...

15.05.2004, 05:23
To my daughter 5, there were pustules on a body, the face in the summer, the doctor's assistant in a first-aid post has told or said, what is it disease in people name " flying fire ", I cannot describe a short of disease more precisely, tk all this occurs or happens far from menja-she is in village at the grandmother. If something speaks you the name of illness or disease, tell please!

Albanova V.I.
19.05.2004, 04:16
Unfortunately, the name to me about what does not speak. And it is better to grease pustules fukaseptolom or fukortsinom, then zinc Pasta half-and-half with ointment with an antibiotic