Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At my daughter (her of 9 years) H-figurative legs or foots. To us about it or this has told or said...

16.05.2004, 18:39
Hello! At my daughter (her of 9 years) H-figurative legs or foots. To us about it or this has told or said on reception the neuropathologist. To us have told or said, that in norm or rate at normal position between shchikolotkami should pass or take place 2 fingers, we have more - all 4 or 5.
2 years ago we were on reception at the orthopedist - the leg or foot after driving on a hill hurted or was ill;was sick in the winter. The orthopedist has assumed illness or disease SHi (and?) ntsa, treatment practically any has not appointed or nominated. All has passed or has taken place in 2 days. Examined thus the child very "in detail". Whether prompt, please, it is possible kak-that at such age to affect or influence the form of legs or foots? Than such form of legs or foots threatens in the future? The girl is engaged in pool in group of health.
I thank for the answer.

Porohnja V.S.
17.05.2004, 11:26
Do or Make massage of internal group of muscles on legs or foots, let goes for a drive on a bicycle with the frame which has been wrapped up by a pillow (that it was stirred or prevented to legs or foots). If small deformation - legs or foots can be straightened by 12 14 years. Let does not grow stout.

18.05.2004, 20:07
Many thanks! We Shall try to carry out all!